Product Description
BW-06 is produced and supplied in powder form and by adding it to the concrete mix design, mortar with additional masonry slurries, it creates or strengthens the sealing property of the mass. In addition, the presence of a powder superplasticizer in the formulation of this product also increases the efficiency of the concrete. Due to the impermeability of concrete containing BW-06, it is recommended not to use it in cases where there is a prediction of implementing additional layers on the concrete that require the absorption property of the concrete under the work for better bonding. In these cases, the use of sealing primers such as BW-20 is recommended.

BW-06 is a very suitable product for making concrete with very low permeability such as water sources, foundations, water transfer channels and pools. This product can be added to the ready-made concrete during the construction of concrete or at the concreting site. It is sufficient to mix it well for about three minutes after adding it. This product has a powdered superplasticizer, so the water to cement ratio of the concrete mix design must be controlled and not exceed 0.45 to prevent additional voids.
If the concreting time is prolonged and the concrete slump decreases, it is okay to add Bw-06 again. However, it is recommended to use the regular BA-135 superplasticizer instead.
Technical specifications
Appearance: Light gray powder
Specific weight of mortar: 1.03-1.01 grams per cubic centimeter
Cl ion content: Zero
Air bubble formation: Less than one percent
Transport classification
Non-hazardous material
Store above ground level, away from direct sunlight, humidity, and pressure, at a temperature range of 5 to 35 degrees Celsius. Under these conditions, it will have a shelf life of at least one year. For long-term storage, do not stack more than 10 bags.
This product is packaged and supplied in 10 or 20 kg bags.