BUI – Antifreeze

Product Description

Bui chloride-free concrete antifreeze is one of the most practical types of concrete additives. The reason for adding this chemical to concrete is to add an accelerating mechanism to concrete. Usually, accelerating the hydration process in the water-cement reaction and reducing the freezing temperature of concrete prevents concrete from freezing, crumbling, or reducing its strength in cold and frost. Information on the consumption rate of chloride-free concrete antifreeze, which is usually based on the weight of cement consumed, is determined by the formulation and quality control unit of each manufacturing company and is included on the product. On the other hand, the experience of the executive factors also plays an effective role in this field.


  • Increases the initial and final strength of concrete.
  • Concrete can be poured at temperatures below zero degrees with the help of this additive.
  • It greatly reduces the possibility of concrete freezing.

The most important advantage and difference between this type of chloride-free concrete antifreeze and other types of antifreeze is the chemical base used and the ability to be used in all types of concrete pouring.
Another valuable advantage of this product is the reduction in the amount of water consumed with the help of this additive. The concrete industry is one of the activities that consumes a lot of water, but with the help of chloride-free concrete antifreeze, the amount of water consumed is reduced by up to 10 percent. In addition, the less water is used in the concrete mixing plan, the less likely it is to freeze.

Technical specifications

Physical stateLiquid
Specific weight1.35 g/cm3
ColorHoney brown
  • High-strength, impermeable, durable and stable concrete
  • Reinforced and unreinforced concrete
  • Concrete for marine structures, water transfer channels and treatment plants
  • Construction of high-strength concrete to reduce the dimensions of structures
  • Construction of concrete that requires minimum electrical conductivity
  • Suitable for the construction of concrete exposed to explosion

Packaging and storage

BUI is supplied in 20 liter cans and 220 and 1100 kg drums or large tankers. BUI should be stored in its original containers at a temperature of more than +5 ° C, away from direct sunlight and in a covered place. In case of freezing, you can warm it gently and stir it to recycle it. Lack of proper storage conditions may cause damage to the product or its container. For information on proper storage methods, contact Behsazan Company’s technical department.

Safety Notes

BUI Chloride-Free Concrete Antifreeze does not contain any hazardous substances. For more information, please refer to the product safety brochure.

Quality Approval

All products manufactured and supplied by Behsazan Company are under the control of the company’s quality control department and comply with international quality standards.